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Digital scales
there are 8 products
Digital electronic table scale, max weight 5 Kg, division 1 gr, low glass plate from diameter mm. 150, with tare and net weight, dim. external mm. 230x190x50h
technical card
Delivery from 4 to 9 days
Digital electronic table scale, max capacity 5 Kg, division 1 gr, high stainless steel plate mm. 200x60, with tare and net weight, dim. external mm. 230x190x105h
technical card
Delivery from 4 to 9 days
Digital bag scale, 150 Kg
technical card
Electronic digital table scale with mobile display, max capacity 60 Kg, division 20 gr,
technical card
Delivery from 4 to 9 days
Digital electronic table scale, max. Capacity 10 Kg, division 2 gr., Stainless steel plate mm. 240x180, with tare and net weight, Weight 3.5 Kg, dim. external mm. 248x253x132h
technical card
Delivery from 4 to 9 days
Digital electronic table scale, max. Load 20 Kg, division 5 gr, stainless steel plate mm. 240x180, with tare and net weight, Weight 3.5 Kg, dim. external mm. 248x253x132h
technical card
Delivery from 4 to 9 days
Electronic digital table scale, max capacity 30 Kg, division 1 gr, stainless steel plate mm. 255x185, with tare and net weight, Weight 3.8 Kg, dim. external mm. 255x300x110h
technical card
Delivery from 4 to 9 days
Digital electronic table scale, maximum load 40 Kg, division 10 gr, stainless steel plate mm. 240x180, with tare and net weight, Weight 3.5 Kg, dim. external mm. 248x253x132h
technical card
Delivery from 4 to 9 days