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You are here: Home page / Shipments and deliveries

Shipments and deliveries

6. Shipments and deliveries

Ordered goods will be shipped with the modalities, the means and timeframe agreed with the buyer, the costs of transport will be charged

on the invoice. The shipment of the order will occur immediately after receipt of onfirmation of wire transfer or transaction by the credit

card company. Where is indicated a delivery date, this has value simply informative and not binding being subordinated to the unexpected.

Breaks from work resulting from force majeure exempt Tecnoservicesas from the delivery date indicated, without right to the customer to require

claims due to damages of any nature. The goods must be withdrawn by the buyer and must not be left lying under any circumstances. Any spent stock,

warehousing, etc …. will still apply.

393.357.916.072 WhatsApp number, also for information on orders and estimates 393.357.916.072 WhatsApp number, also for information on orders and estimates