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Attrezzature per la cottura
Griglie a pietra lavica
Accessories: Griglie a pietra lavica
there are 36 products
Meat cooking grill for lava stone grill Mod.I-47 and I-47MOB.
technical card
Delivery from 4 to 9 days
Fish cooking grill for lava stone grill Mod.I-47 and I-47MOB.
technical card
Delivery from 4 to 9 days
Lava stone packaging
technical card
Delivery from 4 to 9 days
Rear closure for Mod.I-80MOB / P
technical card
Delivery from 4 to 9 days
Front door kit for lava stone grill Mod.I-80MOB / P
technical card
Delivery from 4 to 9 days
Mixed meat / fish cooking grill for lava stone grill Mod.I-80 / P0 and I-80MOB / P
technical card
Delivery from 4 to 9 days
Fish grill, one module, dimensions mm. 312x483
technical card
Delivery from 4 to 9 days
Linen stone packaging (as replacement), 5 kg
technical card
Delivery from 4 to 9 days
Open cabinet for stone grate Mod.B50
technical card
Delivery from 4 to 9 days
Cabinet with door and back closure for stone grate Mod.B50
technical card
Delivery from 4 to 9 days
Open cabinet for pietralavica Mod.B80.
technical card
Delivery from 4 to 9 days
Cabinet with door and back closure for pietralavica Mod. B80.
technical card
Delivery from 4 to 9 days
Open cabinet for pietralavica grill Mod.B115.
technical card
Delivery from 4 to 9 days
Cabinet with door and back closure for pietralavica grill Mod.B115.
technical card
Delivery from 4 to 9 days
Universal cooking grill scraper
technical card
Delivery from 4 to 9 days
Universal cooking grill for lava stone grill Mod.I-65 and I-65MOB,
technical card
Delivery from 4 to 9 days
Meat cooking grill for lava stone grill Mod.I-120 and I-120MOB
technical card
Delivery from 4 to 9 days
Fish cooking grill for lava stone grill Mod.I-120 and I-120MOB
technical card
Delivery from 4 to 9 days